Bhaktaḥ Viśvasanīyaḥ Niścayavān

Moksha Exports

Providing export services across Eorzea and beyond for over 50 years...

Embark on a journey with Thavnair's premier exports company; Moksha Exports. A trusted business for over 50 years, we specialize in the shipment and exportation of Thavnarian textiles, exotic food goods, and alchemical supplies. Our fleet is known to deliver excellence with unmatched reliability. Currently Moksha has been acclaimed for working with the Ilsabard Contingent to supply recently liberated areas of Garlemald with a variety of critically needed relief supplies.
Services to Tural Coming Soon!
Available for private contract at request.Emergency shipments available with referral.

Meet the crew of Moksha Exports' Airship: Mukti ke Pankh
A custom-build cargo vessel hybridizing both Ironworks and Garlean technologies.
Interested in joining the crew? Contact Owner/Admiral Orin Albilon

Alistair McCree - First Mate
Ariel Blewett - Medic (On Retainer)
Aivery Grey - Consultant (On Retainer)
Catrine - Deckhand, Medic
Todo - Shipwright, Machinist, Hacker